The Tale of Bergamot

Introducing a story of bright flavors and sweet indulgences.

In the heart of the sun-kissed Calabria thrives an extraordinary fruit – the bergamot. With a bright and refreshing flavour profile, this citrus gem unveils a zesty and slightly floral taste.

You can imagine velvety custards infused with bergamot essence, tea cookies that crumble with each bite, and bergamot-infused desserts. With ice creams and sorbets, jams and marmalades, bergamot’s subtle bitterness provides a perfect balance to sweetness. And oh, the allure of chocolate and bergamot. Bergamot also finds itself in the heart of sophisticated drinks.

Beyond the palate, it is said that bergamot has the power to calm the mind inviting relaxation. The magic, however, comes at a price, as bergamot oil is an expensive elixir.

While sipping one of the world’s most sought-after Earl Gray teas, which contains bergamot, let’s figure out how to use our bergamot flavour in your products.

Got curious about our flavours?


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Fromatech Ingredients B.V. is een internationaal groeiende organisatie. Wil jij werken in een dynamisch, groeiend bedrijf waar geen dag hetzelfde is? En heb jij aantoonbare ervaring en affiniteit met schoonmaak? Reageer dan: Industrieel Reiniger       Fulltime / Parttime - standplaats Deurne

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